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Hall of Tyrannus

a place to discuss and learn together what it means to bring the truth of Jesus Christ into a secular world by words and deeds

Location: Central Asia or Kentucky--quite a range huh?
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  • Friday, August 19, 2005

    Who's Criticizing Us?

    Jesus said that because he had chosen his followers out of the world, the world would hate them (John 15:19). He also said that if the world hates his followers it is because the world first hated him (John 15:18). So it is no surprise that being a follower of Jesus in a lost world will bring a measure of criticism, insult, and general nastiness from the world. It is no surprise that being set apart through Jesus Christ for God’s use (being holy) is often equivalent to being hated. However, too many have made the mistake of thinking that the reverse is true--that being hated necessarily equals being holy. This line of thinking can obviously degenerate into a license to be obnoxious and to be indifferent to the feelings of others. I would like to dwell on this issue of being hated, or, if I may tone it down, of simply being criticized. I think that, as followers of Jesus, we can’t simply ask ‘are we being criticized?’ but we must ‘who is criticizing the church and why?’

    It seems that in today's environment there is no shortage of people railing against Christians. However, it seems that the overwhelming majority of criticism (at least that which is publicized) is of a political nature. Christians are accused of being intolerant, bigots, haters, etc. Everyone is familiar with the rhetoric. It is evident that there is no shortage in the volume of criticism. But what of the content? Is this really the kind of treatment Jesus warned about? I have to say that, on the whole, the answer is no.

    To develop my point, I want consider two examples from the early the church. The first is when Paul and Silas visited Thessalonica on Paul's second missionary journey. They were not greeted in any sort of friendly manner, but with contempt and hatred. But why? The religious leaders of the city were enraged because, in their words, Paul and Silas (and other followers of the Way) had turned the world upside down! They did this by preaching that Jesus was the one true King. By going into the culture and confronting people with the person of Jesus Christ through the way they lived and the message they shared, they changed the culture. People were being changed by the Gospel and it was obvious.

    Another example also comes from the book of Acts, chapter 19. In the city of Ephesus it seems that God had worked through Paul and his associates in such a way that people were no longer buying silver idols made in the honor of Artemis. Because there was such a drastic decrease in the sales of the idols, the local silversmiths and craftsmen who profited from there sale were enraged at Paul. They started a riot. There was such a change in the lives of people in Ephesus that this industry of profiting from false religious beliefs was virtually shut down.

    I have to ask, where are these kinds of examples today? Sure, the church is insulted and belittled in the public square but it is often because we level harsh critcisms (with no humility or grace) toward the world or it is because we have been successful at achieving some political "victory". Where are the people who are so threatened by the followers of Christ because, by bringing the Good News, we change people? Where are the outcries and efforts of godless businesses in our nation (like the porn industry or the gambling industry) because so many people have turned away from patronizing their businesses due to the impact of the church? I don't see it. I see squabbles over legislation and zoning battles. I see debates about school curriculum. I don't see the church of Jesus being recognized as a serious agent of change in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. I ask 'why'? How have we gotten so far off course and how do we get back? How do we become the kind of people who, by practicing incarnational Christianity, change individuals and culutres and rewrite history by God's power? I don't know, but I want to know. I want to see the power and grace of Jesus Christ poured out through his church. I want to see lives and culture changed, not for the sake of counting "conversions" or securing political power. No. I want it so that the proper glory is acribed to him who belongs the power and dominion forever and ever. May God transform us into that kind of church.


    Blogger Mohd Gufran said...

    Nice blog sir

    July 26, 2022 3:43 AM  

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